Thames Gateway Lower Costs

Far lower business costs than Central London or the City

The low cost of industrial rent and land, labour costs and residential property make the Thames Gateway a really attractive place to live and work and establish a business

As a whole, operating costs for a business in the Thames Gateway, including both property and workforce, are up to 20% cheaper than in Central or West London, and many other metropolitan centres around the UK. According to a commercial property report by Knight Frank, industrial land is 43% lower than average for the area within the M25 – London’s major motorway orbital – and prime industrial rent 17% lower.

Some locations offer even greater value. The cost of commercial property in Kent for example, is up to 60% less than a Paris or London location. And with the excellent transport infrastructure, you will never be far away from either. Taking advantage of the new High Speed 1 Railway, Ebbsfleet in Kent is exactly 17 minutes away from the heart of London, and just under 2 hours from Paris.

Added to this are many financial incentives offered by the UK Government, keen to help businesses develop and flourish across the region. Several attractive grants and business support packages are available, from help investing in research & development and innovation, to incentives for businesses in specific growth industry sectors such as environmental technologies.